Governor Reynolds has allocated federal CARES Act funds to assist Iowans who have been economically impacted by COVID-19 and may be facing housing hardships. This program will provide short-term relief to income-eligible renters and homeowners who are at risk of eviction or foreclosure.
Available Assistance
- Rental assistance for up to four months. This can include months in arrears no earlier than the April 1 rent payment, ($3,200 maximum).
– Includes manufactured home rent and lot rent
- Mortgage assistance for up to four months (this can include up to two months in arrears) beginning with April 1 mortgage payment, ($3,000 maximum).
Eligibility At a Glance
- Current Renters and Homeowners
- At risk of eviction or foreclosure due to a documented COVID-19-related loss of income on or after March 17, 2020
- Household income may not exceed: 80% MFI at time of application
Required Documentation
- Pay stub or other appropriate documentation prior to and after loss of income
- Latest mortgage statement (foreclosure assistance only)
Find more information here.