Hiawatha is dedicated to managing the community’s urban tree canopy. There are more than 3,000 public trees identified in the community tree inventory. Hiawatha works hard to address trimming, removals, pest and disease concerns and promote overall tree health.
Public trees bring many benefits to the urban landscape including increased property values, reduced air and noise pollution, storm water collection and erosion prevention. Trees promote lower energy costs by shading structures from the summer sun and buffering from cold winter winds. Many studies show statistical information supporting that urban trees can modify the local climate, add beauty and diversity, increase economic stability, and even improve mental and physical health.
Trees are a sustainability power tool and provide more than just an aesthetic perk in the urban setting. More like another form of green infrastructure, trees are equally as important as any other types of the public foundation, such as roads, sidewalks, buildings, water supply, energy grids, institutions, parks and trail systems. Without the natural impact of trees, a community can fall short of its full potential to provide for residents. Hiawatha is committed to a new approach to design healthier and happier spaces that allow daily connection to the natural world.
📺 Marketing tree planting video
Online Hiawatha Tree Planting and Care Guide.pdf
This chapter describes provisions on trees and vegetation in any public area in Hiawatha.
Appendix A - Planting Guidelines
Planting trees in the right-of-way (the public space between the street curb and sidewalk) requires a tree planting permit. There are guidelines for placement, size, and species so that trees in the right-of-way do not block traffic, signs, pedestrians, or utilities.
Right-of-Way Tree Planting Permit.pdf
Check out these resources to help guide you with your tree planting needs.
📺 Iowa DNR informational tree planting video
Trees Forever- How to Plant A Tree
Iowa Department of Natural Resources- Tree Resources and Links
Iowa State University Extension- Community Tree Planting and Care Guide
Iowa State University Extension- Sustainable Urban Landscapes
International Society of Arboriculture Tree Owner Resources
You are required to contact Iowa One Call at 811 or (1-800-292-8989) to locate utilities. You can reach them 24/7. It is important to be mindful of underground and overhead utilities when planting in the ROW. Overhead utilities may prevent planting a tree or can limit planting to smaller ornamental varieties. Be aware when planting, that any damage to privately planted vegetation that occurs during repair and maintenance of utilities is at the expense of the homeowner. http://www.iowaonecall.com/
Does it still look pretty rough? There are a few things to consider as we move into the next growing season that may help your survivor trees adapt to the stress and change that took place last August. It is important to remember that the trees have already sustained a great deal of trauma and we don’t want to add any unnecessary stress as they respond. Here are a few things you can do to promote positive reaction this spring:
To ALL AUTOPAY Customers:
To keep on top of security matters, the payment method attached to your Hiawatha Water Account needs to be confirmed in our payment software. This confirmation of payment needs to be done to verify your account information with our newly updated GWorks Software. The updating process is simple, just contact our office at 319-393-5556 prior to October 1, 2024 to have this updated before the next auto payment occurs.
Any account which is not updated prior to 10/14/2024, will have their next ACH payment returned. A returned ACH payment could lead to an extra charge and/or a disruption in water service.
***Note*** Some of our customers have already completed this update. If that is you, we appreciate you taking the time to have completed this update!
Thank You!
Hiawatha Water Department