Storm water runoff poses a serious risk to our water quality. Developing and implementing a storm water runoff management plan is imperative to preventing pollutants found in storm water from impacting rivers, lakes, streams and drinking water throughout the community. The City of Hiawatha is doing its part to try and monitor and control storm water pollution. Storm Water Telephone Hotline Number: 319-393-1515 ext. 229.
Storm water runoff happens when rainfall or snowmelt flows over impervious surfaces like roads, buildings, sidewalks and compacted soils preventing it from naturally soaking into the ground.
Storm water can flow directly into the storm sewer carrying with it pollutants and debris that is discharged into surface water bodies such as rivers, lakes and streams without being treated at a water treatment plant.
Our city is required to manage storm water for both water quality and flood control by using practices that infiltrate both small and large amounts of rainfall to minimize the amount of runoff that is produced.
In order to comply with federal and state regulations, the City is required to implement a storm water management program targeting the six areas listed below in an effort to reduce water pollution.
Simply changing your daily activities can have a big impact on protecting water quality. The following are some suggestions to help reduce storm water pollution in the community:
These brochures contain detailed information regarding top soil management, storm water and erosion control management.
For more information on storm water please visit the Iowa Storm water Education Partnership website.
Click the links below for information regarding Storm water Regulations, Erosion and Sediment Control, etc.
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Contact information for Public Works staff.
Information regarding sidewalk repairs and the Sidewalk Maintenance Program for public sidewalks.