Flushing of Water Lines

The Hiawatha Water Department is reminding everyone to flush all of the water lines in buildings that have experienced diminished use lately due to COVID-19. Water within a building can and will get stagnant over time if not flushed out or used on a regular basis. Over time the chlorine residual will dissipate out of the water. When water sits idle for extended periods of time, it can create water quality issues such as taste, odor and loss of bacterial control. Flushing all of the water lines in a property will allow the water to maintain its great quality for use.

You may have noticed the Water Department has not been flushing fire hydrants this spring. The department did not want to cause an unnecessary disruption of services at this time. Hiawatha does have a looped water system to keep the water quality up. We also have auto flushers in specific areas of the city that keep water moving.

Please feel free to contact the Water Department Monday – Friday 319-393-5556 if you should have any questions. We do have limited staffing at this time and will return calls as received.