The first phase of the North Center Point/Emmons Street/Robins Road Intersection project is now complete and all streets have been reopened to traffic. The new extension of “A” Avenue north of Clark Street is also complete and open to traffic which provides another access to Oak Street. The overhead electrical lines are in the process of being lowered to new underground utility conduits. This work is under contract with Alliant Energy along with other utility companies and should be completed in a few weeks.
The second phase contract awarded to Rathje Construction Inc. is under construction from Fisher Street to approximately 300 feet south. This work will be completed late fall which is a part of the first phase of the total project that will move the existing North Center Point Road/Emmons Street/Robins Road Intersection approximately 100 feet northwest. Drivers should plan for changing traffic conditions which will include lane closures and lane changes. Two-way traffic will always be maintained on North Center Point Road. All lanes will be opened to traffic for the winter construction shut down.
Project completion date is November 2017.