Tower Drive and Springbrook Drive Road Closures

Tower Drive and Springbrook Drive east of Tower Terrace Road to be restricted in width and will be closed during daytime hours.

 HIAWATHA, IA – July 3 – Starting Monday, July 8, 2024, Tower Drive and Springbrook Drive east of Tower Terrace Road will be closed between the hours of 7 am and 6 pm each weekday while sanitary sewer is be installed. The roadways will have a 10-ft access after-hours to allow access to private driveways. Homeowners will be required to park on Tower Drive during the daytime hours. Mailboxes and Solid Waste Collection will be temporarily relocated to Tower Terrace Road during the duration of the project.

The project will include multiple phases with work starting at the north end of Springbrook Dr. Phase I will include installation of sanitary sewer and rock backfill on Springbrook Dr and is expected to be completed by August 2. Phase II will include installation of sanitary sewer and rock backfill on Tower Drive and is expected to be completed by August 23. Phase III includes final grading and asphalt pavement and is expected to be completed by September 13. Please try to avoid the areas during construction. All work is anticipated to be completed by September 13, pending no delays.

If you have any questions, please call the Engineering Department at (319) 393-1515 (EXT. 528)