12th Ave & Boyson Road Intersection Improvements

Boyson Road from Boyson Loop to I380 lane shift to the south for utility work, and intersection improvements.

 HIAWATHA, IA – March 26, 2024 – Starting Monday, April 1, 2024, the intersection of 12th Ave & Boyson Rd will be undergoing a full reconstruction. The construction will be completed in multiple phases while maintaining access to all businesses. The contractor will begin by placing temporary asphalt on the south side of Boyson Rd in the existing green space as well as installing temporary access points for Junge Automotive and Toyota. After the temporary asphalt is placed, all traffic will be shifted to the south side of the roadway to allow for full reconstruction of the intersection on the north half. Lane widths will be reduced to 11’-0”. At this time no detours are expected.

The first phase is expected to last up to eight weeks, weather pending, before traffic shifts to the north half of Boyson Rd. Thru traffic should expect delays. Please try to avoid the areas during construction. All work is anticipated to last through the month of August.

If you have any questions, please call the Engineering Department at (319) 393-1515 (EXT. 528)