If you’re a homeowner in Hiawatha, your home is your primary residence, and your income is less than the amounts shown below, you may qualify to participate in the City’s Housing Rehabilitation Program! The City intends to apply for a grant that will assist up to 6 homeowners to make exterior improvements to their homes and a grant to assist up to 6 elderly or severely disabled homeowners or their family members to remove barriers that would allow them to remain living in their homes. The following information is intended to provide a brief description about the two types of programs and their requirements. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Mark Culver, East Central Iowa Council of Governments (ECICOG), at 319-289-0061 or mark.culver@ecicog.org
What Can I do with this grant?
The grant will be in the form of a 5-year forgivable loan for an amount up to $25,000 for most types of improvements. Some examples of eligible exterior improvement projects include installation of siding, roof, fascia, soffit, gutters, and exterior doors. Some examples of barrier removals or installation of items to remain in the home include installation of ramps, nostep entrances, widening exterior or interior hallways or doors, and bathroom and kitchen modifications.
Who can apply?
If you live within the city limits of Hiawatha, outside of the 100-year floodplain; your home is affixed to a permanent foundation and taxed as real estate; you own or are purchasing your home; reside in it as your principal residence and meet the income requirements (listed below), please apply. Applications will be processed on a first-received, first-qualified basis for each activity. Interested candidates can print an application from the City’s website or call the East Central Iowa Council of Governments at 319-289-0061 to request one.
Are there any restrictions I should be aware of?
Assistance is provided in the form of a five-year forgivable loan that recedes at a rate of 20 percent per year. As long as you live in your home for five years, you will not have to pay anything.